
It all starts with a discovery session…

After a complimentary, no-obligation chat, we’ll hold a discovery session. This is where we find out how you are currently using social media – if you are using it at all.

The findings of that session will inform a tailored social media strategy for your business and your team.

 We’ll work on every aspect of your online presence, including your headline, your summary and even your profile picture.

It’s essential that your picture portrays you as a thought leader. It’s not a fashion shot; at the same time, you shouldn’t come across as a robot. People should get the message that you know what you’re talking about.

 We’ll work with you on the right language that encourages your target audience to connect with you by focusing on their pain points and the ways in which your business can bring them progress and peace of mind.

 This can be an all-day group session in which we’ll explain why everybody needs to post updates and stories in a consistent, compelling voice.

 We’ll work through the social media profiles of everybody in your team or company page to ensure you’re all in the right mindset and feel confident about coming up with content.

 Then we focus on your target customers. We create your customer personas and decide on the tone of voice and content that will appeal most strongly to the people you most want to talk to.

Creating a content calendar that works for you

The initial work we do together will produce a content calendar for the first month of your new social media strategy.

One popular framework is to select a different focus for each day of every week. For instance, we might decide to devise posts on the following themes:

·      Motivational Monday: A post related to a particular project or piece of work you recently delivered.

·      Testimonial Tuesday: Positive feedback from a client who used that successful service.

·      Winning Wednesday: More tips about how your product makes a difference for people who invest in it.

·      Throwback Thursday: A story from the early days of your business that demonstrates how far you have come.

·      Fun Fact Friday: A change of pace to end the working week with a piece, or video, that lifts the veil on your company and tells the world a bit more about the people who work there.

We encourage you to come up with four weeks’ worth of content before going live. That takes the pressure off and gives you more thinking time to come up with the next batch of ideas.

By that point, you and your team should be in the rhythm of creating engaging posts that entertains people who read or watch them but also demonstrate how good you are at what you do. 

We can also help with your content by working with you to record a package of 10 videos, packed full of energy and creativity, which you can use on your social media platforms. 

How we can support your long-term strategy

Flexibility is at the heart of the way we work at Social Media Champion.

You might want us to plot your initial social media strategy, then gracefully withdraw from the pictures.

Perhaps you’ll want us to work together for a month, or longer. After a few weeks we’ll have enough analytical detail to see what’s working best for you and switch your strategy accordingly.

You may even decide you’d like us to oversee your online presence for you.

However you want to work with Social Media Champion, what matters most to us is helping you to get the benefits you need and deserve by using LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook and to boost the way the world sees you and your business. 

How can we help you?

There are many ways in which Social Media Champion can help you create and deliver great content that raises your profile – and the amount of business you do. 



We can work directly with you using various campaign strategies on FB/IG and Linkedin.



We can run your social media pages for you, ensuring you stay consistent with your daily posts and engagement and growing your connections and followers 



We can also help you to drive excellent long-term results by training/coaching you and your teams, giving you the tools and the confidence to produce materials that boost your online presence. 



We can create powerful websites for your business, which are lightening fast, responsive and are designed to convert site visitors into paying customers.


Organically grow your business

Almost all businesses today rely on some form of online presence in order to reach their target audiences. While there are many ways to build an online following, one of the most effective is through organic growth.

This involves using existing platforms to slowly but steadily grow your audience without paying for advertisements.

For example, you can use social media sites like Facebook and Instagram to post engaging content and interact with potential customers. You can also use LinkedIn to connect with industry professionals and get your business name out there.

While organic growth takes more time than other methods, it is often more sustainable in the long run and can lead to more loyal customers. As a result, it should be a key part of any business’s online strategy.

Online Presence 

Make it easy for clients to find you


You can find new customers via organic search


Communicate with your audience 


Turn your followers into clients

Book a discovery call with us here :


Target your ideal client

Paid social media advertising is a highly effective way to reach out to potential customers on popular platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

By targeting a specific audience and using engaging visuals, businesses can significantly boost their reach and conversions.

Paid ads also offer a number of advantages over traditional advertising methods, such as greater flexibility and lower costs.

As more and more businesses move online, paid social media advertising is likely to become an increasingly important part of their marketing strategy.

Increase Sales 

Get ahead of your competition and increase sales


“Boost” well performing organic content

Increase traffic 

Get ahead of the competition, and increase sales


Run campaigns to convert follower into clients

Book a discovery call with us here:


A Strategic approach of integrating your social media

As a social media consultant, I help businesses to create and maintain an effective presence on social media platforms such as facebook, instagram, and linkedin.

I work with clients to understand their goals and objectives, and then develop a strategy that will help them to achieve their desired results.

I also provide training and support to ensure that clients are able to effectively use social media to reach their target audiences.

In addition, I provide ongoing monitoring and analysis to ensure that the social media strategy is producing the desired results.

By working with a social media consultant, businesses can maximize the benefits of social media for their business


A roadmap of how to get the best out of your online presence

Content Calendar 

What to post, where and when


Stay visible and be front of your clients mind


Take social media in your stride

Book a strategy session with us here:


Generate powerful content which speaks to your ideal client

Any business owner knows that social media is a powerful tool for marketing and branding.

With over 2 billion active users on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, there is a vast potential audience to reach. However, simply having a presence on social media is not enough.

To be successful, businesses need to have a well-defined content strategy. This means knowing what kind of content to post, when to post it, and how often to post.

It also involves maintaining a consistent voice and tone across all platforms.

Creating engaging and relevant content is essential for driving traffic to your website and ultimately converting leads into customers.

But with so many businesses competing for attention online, standing out can be a challenge.

By developing a strong content strategy, you can ensure that your social media presence makes a lasting impression on potential customers.


Create beautiful content

Ideal Client 

Ensure your content speaks to the right clients


Get your personal message across

Online presence 

Be known as an expert in your industry 

Book a discovery call with us here:


Make More Sales with a Lightning-Fast Website

Your website is your digital shopfront. Websites with poor design, slow load speed and dated functionality cause visitors to leave. We build ultra-modern websites designed to display beautifully on all devices. Our websites are optimised to convert more prospects online.

Responsive Design

Your website will work perfectly on desktop, tablet and mobile

Lightning Fast

Your website will be hosted on Amazon’s AWS to ensure security, speed and uptime

Intelligent Marketing

Display various content to website visitors based on visits, location and more

Comprehensive Analytics

Website analytics so you can assess your website performance

Get a personalised website quote:

Want to know more? Contact us today

If you know it’s time to upgrade your social media presence – or to start one from scratch – then it’s time to talk to Social Media Champion.

Get in touch and we can start to discuss how we’ll revolutionise your online presence.

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